Monday, December 3, 2012

Twin Hearts Meditation changed my life!

The title is pretty self explanatory... So I'll just let you watch the video and find out how Twin Hearts Meditation made a significant positive impact in my life :)
Love and blessings,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Twin Hearts Meditation

Twin Hearts Meditation is AMAZIIIIING! Really guys, it changed my life!

Here is a short presentation of what Twin Hearts Meditation is (source : )

MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS (MTH) is an advanced meditation technique aimed at achieving illumination or universal consciousness. It is also an instrument of world and community service that eventually harmonizes the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill. 

Meditation on Twin Hearts is a noble tool that hopes to raise one’s vibrations toward higher states of awareness and expanded levels of consciousness. Presently being practiced globally by tens of thousands of people of different religions and backgrounds, the Meditation on Twin Hearts is extraordinary in its simplicity with amazing and dramatic results.

For more information on how it works and about the benefits, please check the official Twin Heats Meditation website. You will find out that it is also a very powerful self-healing meditation (yay!)

The website also has a "Meditation on demand" section which is basically a streamed version of the meditation, but to be honest I never managed to make it work.

Alternatively, a shortened version of the meditation by Master Stephen Co is available here, if you want to know what it is about. If you like it, I highly recommend you go ahead and purchase the full version which is directed my Grand Master Choa Kok Sui to get all the benefits. You can purchase the CD here on Master Co's store, or with your local Pranic Healing group. Let me know if you need help finding a group or teacher in your area.
Here is a short video of what to expect while you practice Twin Hearts Meditation (this only applies to the full version, not Master Co's short version)

Here are a few comments and tips to make the best of your Twin Hearts experience (I copied and pasted this from one of my posts on Spiritual Forums)

- You need to do exercise before the meditation every time. This is not so much to activate your chakras, but more to shake off some tensions in your body (which will help staying still during the meditation). It also allows you to expel some dirty/deceased energy from your body in order to receive divine energy without experiencing side effects (pain in your body, restlessness, difficulty sleeping afterwards, etc)
- you have to release the excess energy after each meditation, and actually Master Co's short version uses some shortcuts. But of course, to release a short version, it makes sense that he had to cut some passages ;-) The full version contains more instructions to send more energy to your loved ones AND grounding.
- you absolutely need to do exercise again after the meditation to release the last little bits of excess energy in your body. If you don't you this, you may get very congested, especially in the head area which received a lot of energy during the meditation, which may result, again, into physical pain, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, and it can also affect your mood.  For the same reason, you should massage your body at the end of the session, especially your kidneys, spleen, liver, which are very sensitive.

The physical exercise that we usually do is very simple and everyone can do it. It was conceived by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui to expell some dirty energy in all our body/chakras. It consists of :

  • 12 eye rotations clockwise, 12 eye rotations counter clockwise
  • 12 neck rolls, side to side
  • 12 shoulder rolls to the front, 12 shoulder rolls to the back
  • 12 elbow contractions (basically bending and extending your elbow)
  • 12 wrists rotations clockwise and 12 counter clockwise
  • 12 finger contractions (folding all your fingers and releasing them)
  • 12 waist twists
  • 12 hip rolls clockwise, 12 counter clockwise
  • 50 semi squats
  • 12 knee circles clockwise, 12 counter clockwise
  • 12 ankle rotations clockwise, counterclockwise and up and down, for each foot
  • 12 times : open the chest and bend your back

I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, October 22, 2012

How to prepare yourself for your healing session

Here are a few guidelines to apply when you are going to receive healing:

  • Take a shower before the healing, as it will help wash away some dirty energy.  However the main reason for that is that ideally, you shouldn't shower during 12 hours following the healing as it could wash away the good energies that I'm going to send you :-) you want to be selfish and to keep these good energies for yourself; not to flush them down the drain!
  • At the time of the healing session, don't perform any activity that requires all your attention and concentration (ex : driving, cooking, changing a baby's diapers, ;-D you get the idea!). That's because we're gonna be working on your energy and you might start getting unusual sensations and/or getting drowsy. For the same reason, I advise to avoid planning any of these activities just after the healing, in case the session lasts a little bit longer than expected.
  • During the healing session, you should sit or lay down in a comfortable place in your home (your bed, your couch).
  • Relax, and breathe calmly.
  • Don't cross any parts of your body (don't cross your legs or your arms). That is because it decreases receptivity.
  • Remove any silk, leather or rubber belts, shoes, etc. They tend to absorb the energies.
  • Remove any crystal you're wearing (pendant, rings, etc) because they can interfere with the healing while we're performing it. The same goes for metallic objects. Empty your pockets from coins and money in general, don't wear your cell phone or your watch.
  • Optional - In order to be more receptive, you can :
    • visualize the part of your body that we're working on, filled with beautiful white light. In your case today : your face and chest, where you have acne
    • repeat several time the following prayer : "I willingly, fully and gratefully accept all the healing energy... in full faith, so be it!" This is not compulsory, as long as you trust that the healing is happening and don't have any resistance towards it. We usually use this prayer for skeptical patients. 
  • I encourage you to make a donation to the charity of your choice after your receive the healing. This is to balance for what you received. You can't always be receiving without giving anything. You receive a lot, so you need to help someone else in return. If you don't know where to donate, I can provide suggestions.
Since recently, I have enjoyed doing "live" sessions with my patients through chat or Skype. If you have a MSN messenger, Gchat, Yahoo messenger, Facebook chat or Skype account, please let me know ahead of time and we'll go online for your healing. 
Thank you for your cooperation!

Some details you need to give me if you want to request a healing

I'm really happy to help anyone who needs healing! So far I have helped a little more than 30 patients (including pets, lol!) and the number is growing every week! If you need healing, please send me a message at
Please be patient if I don't answer right away, I receive a lot of requests and it takes time and energy to help all of you :-) Also, if your condition is serious and worsens, please call your medical doctor or go to a hospital. Pranic Healing is in no way intended to replace traditional medicine. It is a very efficient complement, but if you want to heal fast, you need to help yourself and consult your doctor.

When you send me a healing request, please include the following info :
- Your name, ideally your full name. If you don't feel comfortable sending your full name I understand, but I need at least your first name.
- Your age
- Your location/time zone
- Ideally, a recent picture of you. It will help me connect to you.
- The days and times of the week where you are usually free to receive healing (i.e. available during more or less 1 hour, without being interrupted). This is really important to find a time where we're both available for your healing!
- a description of your symptoms. IMPORTANT : Pranic Healers don't make diagnosis. Some very advanced healers are intuitive and can know what your condition is without asking, but it is not the general rule. I'm developing this skill, but I can make mistakes, so please don't expect me to know everything about your condition :D I can detect blockages and areas where your energy is not right, but it doesn't mean that I know what your condition is. It is important because different conditions call for different treatments, so please be specific. "I have stomach problems" is a little vague. I need to know if you're constipated, if you have diarrhea, if you have cramps, etc. Otherwise, your treatment will not be adapted. If you have several health issues, please list them and I will try my best to help you with everything. However it may take time, so please let me know what is the most important thing that you'd like to work on.
- since recently, I have enjoyed doing "live" sessions with my patients through chat or Skype. If you have a MSN messenger, Gchat, Yahoo messenger, Facebook chat or Skype account, please let me know. It makes the healing more interactive and pleasant.

Another important note : if you request healing for someone else (family member, friend), it is important that they know they will receive healing, and that they agree to it (of course this doesn't apply to people who are a danger to themselves and who don't see things clearly). If not, the energy I send will bounce back to me and hurt me! Additionally, I will get bad karma for not respecting someone's free will. There are a lot of people out there who want to be help, so if your loved one doesn't want to... so be it. S/he probably has lessons to learn before they realize they need help :)

Thank you all for your understanding and your cooperation!
Love and blessings,

Monday, October 15, 2012


As mentioned before in the blog, I highly recommend that you practice forgiveness to heal and feel happier in your life.
I prepared a video explaining why and featuring a prayer that I enjoy practicing. I hope it helps.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

What can I do to heal faster?

Some of you asked me what they can do on their own to heal faster. It's a great question. Being active in your own recovery is extremely important. Your body has the ability to heal itself, it is one of the most important principles in Energy Healing. The healer is only an instrument to help your body get better.
Receiving energy healing passively is better than nothing, but when you become active, things will get so much better.
So here are a few tips to help you :

  • apply regularly the tips for Preventive Healing. It works even if you aren't sick! 
  • be positive. No matter what your medical doctors say, you can beat the decease! A really good friend of mine a fellow healer got a really bad accident a few years ago. He is a mechanic for aircrafts and fell of a platform at work. He messed up his back and legs so bad that his doctor told him "Sir, you will never walk again". Guess what...? Because he is fighter and decided than he would walk, and with the help of energy healing, he is now walking. One of his ankles is still very stuff and has extremely limited mobility. Still, I think he's better off than in a wheelchair. Bottom line is, even in cases that seem desperate, you are the master of your own destiny.
  • this kind of goes along with the previous point, but don't recall your illness. If you keep on repeating "I'm sick, my back hurts, mu back hurts, my back..." you're basically attracting bad energy on you. If you receive a healing and recall your ailment, the energy that was cleaned off from you will come back.
  • practice meditation, ideally Twin Hearts Meditation 
  • pardon. Pardon those who hurt you, as holding on to anger and resentment is like drinking a poison and expecting the other person to die. Pardon yourself, for letting this situation happen, for feeling guilty, for hurting the other person.
  • be kind to yourself. Without becoming complacent and lazy, we need to indulge ourself sometimes. Rest. Buy ourselves a little gift. Eat something good. Tell ourselves "I am great!". Try it today, it feels amazing!
  • be kind to others. Saying "hello", "thank you", "have a good day" and smiling to a complete stranger feels amazing, and it brightens someone else's life. Try it today. When you do to a store to buy your bread or anything, say hello and smile to the staff. You will see how much people's behavior changes when you are kind to them. You reap what you sow. If you want people to be kind to you, be kind to them. If you want people to bless you, bless them, and you will receive many blessings in return. If you want people to love you, love them. What does this have to do with healing, you will ask me? Well everything! Again, you reap what you saw. If you bring happiness in people's life, you will be happy too!
  • donate to a charity. I do not charge anything for the healings I provide. However, as you know, there needs to be a balance in everything. When I send you a healing, you receive a lot. You have to give in return. Please donate to a charity, as little as you can, even if it is only 1 dollar, 1 euro, or 1 dirham. Give to the charity of your choice. If you don't know where to donate, I can provide a list of charities I like. If you don't have enough money to donate, help someone, give someone a favor without any expectations of getting something in return. But remember, even if you don't have money, what you reap is what you sow. If you donate money, you will receive more money :)
  • Find out about your karma, and your past lives. Sometimes, ailments are related to your karma. You need to ask yourself, "why is this happening to me?". You are responsible for your choices, actions and recovery. (for tips on finding out about past lives, I will publish an article).
  • Learn a healing technique, and use it on yourself! Being able to solve your own health issues will not only be easier than having to find a healer who's available for you, it will empower you! Knowing that you can take care of yourself gives you self confidence in life, which itself is a powerful tool of preventive medicine ;) Plus you could help people around you and get lots of good Karma : if you want healing, heal others. What you reap is what you sow (okay, I know I sound like a broken record sometimes... lol)

Preventive healing

For those of you who didn't take the Advanced Pranic Healing class, here is a series of mini-lectures offered by Master Stephen Co about preventive healings. 
If applied regularly, these techniques will greatly improve your recovery.
I can't embed the videos here in the blog because they are protected on Master Co's website. However, feel free to follow the links below. 

Disclaimer : All the paragraphs in italics are copied from Master Co's website and are consequently his property.

Part #1 : Proper Diet

click on this link

Part #2 : Proper Breathing

We continue with the importance of Proper Breathing. In this segment, Master Co shares in detail the importance of Pranic Breathing, proper diaphragmatic breathing and it's effect on the physical and energy bodies. He also guides you in a short but intense breathing meditation that will send most of you into deep meditation.
to view video, click here

Part #3 : Proper exercise

This is an extremely important in preventive healing. Master Co discusses in detail the effects of proper exercise on our physical and etheric bodies. He also shares insights on:
  • How the aura and chakras are cleansed during exercise
  • The Importance of exercise after meditation to prevent Kundalini Syndrome and other problems encountered on the spiritual path
  • What are the various types of exercises and how they affect the energy bodies
  • The Difference between energetic exercises vs. cardiovascular enhancement exercises
  • Plus Much More!                 to view video, click here

Part #4 : Proper etheric hygiene
  • Master Co discusses Etheric Hygiene to keep our internal and external environments 'clean' to support our spiritual path.
  • He expounds on the following topics:
  • How physical, etheric, emotional and mental hygiene affects us
  • How smoking could sidetrack one's spiritual path
  • Purification Rituals to keep your energy bodies clean
  • Techniques to 'disconnect' from stressful work situations
  • How not to 'bring home' your patients or healing clients with you
  • Energizing foods to charge up your system before healing very depleted patients/clients
to view video, click here

Part # 5 : Proper Emotions and Thoughts (Emotional and Mental Hygiene).

"Proper emotional and mental hygiene consists of internal and external hygiene.  Internal emotional and mental hygiene simply means proper emotions and proper thoughts." - GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui 
Master Co will discuss:
  • Internal and external emotional and mental hygiene
  • How positive and negative emotions affect the major organs
  • How negative emotions affect upper chakras causing thyroid and pituitary and brain ailments
  • How negative emotions, if not regulated, travels to lower chakras, causes musculoskeletal problems, cancer and even tendencies of physical violence
  • How meditation and Pranic Healing can be applied systematically to correct these imbalances
  • Importance of patient/ client cooperation for maximum assimilation of healing energy for rapid recovery and healing
to view video, click here

What is Pranic Healing?

Since they say a picture (and videos) speak more than a thousands worlds, here is a video of presentation of Pranic Healing which was broadcaster on CBS:

This video is unfortunately not the full version of CBS program. To see the , please go to
It is the first clip, at the top of the page. This page also features videos by Master Stephen Co explaining what Pranic Healing is, and what are the chakras and the energy body.


Welcome, dear readers!
I am creating this blog in order to gather some information about Pranic Healing, and healing in general, for my friends from Spiritual Forums. I will also answer some Frequently Asked Questions about the healings I offer.
Please note that all the articles that I will publish here are my my opinion only, based on the teachings I received from my Pranic Healing teachers and my personal readings and research.
Energy healing and spiritual healing are not a substitute to traditional medicine, but rather complement it. In cases of severe or persisting ailments, please consult a medical doctor immediately.
Love and blessings,